Stella Gray, lingerie model and selfie Princess, is just Adorable and So Sweet :) Stella is working on a website (coming soon) and occasionally helps interested shoppers find personally modeled items (wink, wink). We frequently post/tag her in our social media accounts. You can easily tap around and find
Stella on Twitter or use other platforms to
connect with StellaMisty and Stella are two of our "
KLPantyGirls", friends of Katie & Laura, who may or may not on occasion receive Panties and Gifts from Katie & Laura. We have no financial interest in their affairs/businesses/activities.
KLPantyGirls are free to give (or not give) any opinions they wish about their experiences with Katie & Laura's Panties and are never instructed what to say (or not say.) Some KLPantyGirls post photos, and some don't. Some model professionally, some freelance, and some are just sweet girls who like Fancy Satin Panties. Katie & Laura Love them all the same. KLPantyGirls are not employees, they are personal friends, modeling friends, or just people Katie & Laura know through the PantyWorld and have befriended. The actions and opinions of KLPantyGirls are independent of Katie & Laura, and KL Brands LLC. KLPantyGirls have no obligations to KL Brands LLC, or Katie & Laura in any way.